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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in louisville (3)


"I used to hate adoption..."


"I used to hate adoption.

And then God, through infertility, miscarriage, and tow little boys in a Russian orphanage, changed my understanding of the gospel, of mission, and of myself.

We're hosting a conference on adoption entitled, 'Adopting for Life,' to take place February 26-27, 2010, in Louisville. You may wonder whether this will be a conference about the doctrine of adoption or 'real' adoption. Well, one of the things that we'll be discussing is the fact that you can't talk about the one without talking about the other.

We've invited great speakers to 'Adopting for Life' who will seek to equip us to create a culture of doption in our families and churches. We'll be answering questions like 'What does adoption have to do with the Great Commission?', 'How can I pay for adoption?', and 'How can we start an adoption ministry in my church?'

I would love to see you at 'Adopting for Life', as we think together about how God might be leading us to be on mission with Christ for the sake of the orphans of the world."

-Russell D. Moore

Register online here. Check out the guest speakers, including Andy Lehman, Vice President of Lifesong for Orphans.

I just love those three words... and then God!


Unique Fundraising Idea

Trinity World Outreach Center in Louisville, KY came up with a very unique fundraising idea, which they will use to fund adoptions through their church adoption fund with Lifesong.

Click here to view the full flyer.



Creating Intentional Orphan Cultures...


Highview Baptist in Louisville, KY follows James 1:27 by creating a culture of adoption in their church and community. Highview established a church adoption fund through Lifesong and hosts small group sessions for those interested in adopting, waiting families, and post-adoptive families.

Check out this GIANT map hanging in their building that posts updates on each adoptive family. Currently they are up to 55 out of 67 families on the map!