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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in Russell Moore (3)


'Every chance I get...'

Every chance I get, I point adopting families (and those who think they might be) to Lifesong for Orphans. Our Christ Jesus is using this ministry to empower families to adopt children, and thus to point the whole church to the gospel that saves us and the mission that sends us.                                

--Russell D. Moore, author, Adopted for Life: The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families and Churches.


Dr. Moore is the Dean of the School of Theology and Senior Vice-President for Academic Administration at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He also serves as a preaching pastor at Highview Baptist Church, where he ministers weekly at the congregation’s Fegenbush location. Moore is the author of The Kingdom of Christ and Adopted for Life.


Thanks Dr. Moore for the significant part you are playing in raising awareness and equipping Christ-followers to participate in our Father's powerful plan for the fatherless.


"I used to hate adoption..."


"I used to hate adoption.

And then God, through infertility, miscarriage, and tow little boys in a Russian orphanage, changed my understanding of the gospel, of mission, and of myself.

We're hosting a conference on adoption entitled, 'Adopting for Life,' to take place February 26-27, 2010, in Louisville. You may wonder whether this will be a conference about the doctrine of adoption or 'real' adoption. Well, one of the things that we'll be discussing is the fact that you can't talk about the one without talking about the other.

We've invited great speakers to 'Adopting for Life' who will seek to equip us to create a culture of doption in our families and churches. We'll be answering questions like 'What does adoption have to do with the Great Commission?', 'How can I pay for adoption?', and 'How can we start an adoption ministry in my church?'

I would love to see you at 'Adopting for Life', as we think together about how God might be leading us to be on mission with Christ for the sake of the orphans of the world."

-Russell D. Moore

Register online here. Check out the guest speakers, including Andy Lehman, Vice President of Lifesong for Orphans.

I just love those three words... and then God!


How to Protect Orphans from Hollywood | Russell Moore

Russell Moore guest-hosted “The Albert Mohler Program” (AMP) yesterday and discussed the negative stereotyping of the new horror movie “Orphan.” It was a timely show, and you should listen to it.

 Listen to the audio from the radio program: 

“How to Protect Orphans from Hollywood”

“Why are people so afraid of orphans? Orphans often find themselves demonized by Hollywood, and it’s happened again with the release of a new horror film about a deranged orphan girl called, Orphan.

Why is it that the least of these are so easily preyed upon by those who should protect them?"

Orphans Deserve Better

Guest host Dr. Russell Moore discusses the blessings, challenges, and necessity of adopting with guest Jedd Medefind, Executive Director of Christian Alliance for Orphans.”