We are so thankful to the children and staff at Casa Vida y Esperanza (CVE) who used their summer reading program to bring joy and purpose to orphans. What an amazing idea for these orphaned and vulnerable children to give to others in need!
Carissa, a staff member at CVE explains the program in her words -
Every summer the kids participate in a reading program in the afternoons. Over the years there have been various themes with different prizes and incentives for them to meet their reading goals. This year as I was thinking about the program and was praying for ideas, something creative, my thoughts took a different direction than normal...
I think one thing that is good for all of us is to be reminded of the world outside of our own little sphere of daily living. To see purpose in our lives that goes beyond completing our daily tasks. To see the bigger picture of how our lives can impact the lives of others, even someone all the way around the globe. To be reminded of the joy and blessing that comes from giving instead of receiving.
The kids here at CVE have been blessed beyond most. I understand that that might not be your first thought... and I agree.. Yes, they have suffered too much in their short lives. Yes, they have wounds that need healing. Yes, they have bondage that needs broken. Yes, they have needs to be met. But here at CVE our children have blessings that no other child in a children's home in Mexico has (or in many other countries for that matter). They have their basic needs met (and beyond). They are surrounded by individuals and families who love them and are committed to giving them a hope and a future. They have the blessing of an education. And most importantly, they have the opportunity to learn the Truth of God's Word, to hear the message of salvation, and the opportunity to see what a life lived for Christ looks like in the adults they interact with. I could go on, but I think it is safe to say that in so many ways, our kids are most blessed!
So, what does that have to do with reading and a reading program?
Well, in the light that there are many kids around the world who can't read and don't have the things listed above (many without even their most basic needs being met, much less things beyond that), and because we are always looking for ways to encourage our kids to have a thankful heart and appreciation for what they have, this summer our kids have the opportunity to use their ability to read to reach out to those who can't. To in a small way share with those who don't have 3 good meals a day, who don't know about Christ, who live on the streets or don't have anyone to care for them. To help orphans not so unlike themselves.
This summer, for each minute that the kids read (due to some very generous donors) they are raising money to give to projects within Lifesong for Orphans. For every 200 pesos that they "earn", they get to pick a country/project to donate it to. I have a jar for each country and play money to symbolize their donation.
Please pray that this reading program can be a blessing, not only to those who are served through Lifesong, but also in the lives of our children. Please pray that God's kingdom would be furthered as we all seek to share what we have been given with others so desperately in need!"

Jars for each project!
At the end of the summer, we had 31 kids participate and they read a total of 36,703 minutes in 4 weeks raising money to donate to kids served by various Lifesong projects around the world! Their minutes translated into pesos which were later converted to dollars. After these conversions, their total donation for reading reached $3,099!!
Thank you CVE for your generosity and the way you are teaching these sweet lives about Jesus!