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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Family Friday: Frank and Sharon

Meet Frank and Sharon, a Lifesong and Both Hands family we were blessed to serve beside.  They adopted a little boy domestically who they named Will Franklin. It is SUCH a joy for us to work with loving Christian families who desire to bring children into their forever family!  Thank you Frank & Sharon for letting us be apart of your journey!

We stumbled upon Lifesong on our mad search for adoption grants and assistance.  I wasn’t much on filling out massive applications and writing grant letters, so it was much to my delight that Lifesong featured the Both Hands project opportunity.  We fell in love with the mission and felt that this was the direction God was leading us.  Lifesong managed all the incoming funds and paid out adoption invoices all while making it a seamless process for us.  What a blessing!  --Frank & Sharon


A Time to Praise! Over 200 Church Funds!

Guess what? Last week we celebrated our 203rd Church Fund Partner!

We invite you to check out what God is doing through active and intentional churches who desire to defend the fatherless not only in word, but in ACTION...

Churches like Grace Hands of Hope in Indianapolis, IN who has partnered with Lifesong to establish a Church Fund. Their fund financially assists families who are bringing orphans into forever families and also are active in Lifesong's work in Honduras. They are planning their second trip to Honduras this fall and are eagerly raising funds for computers and Rosetta Stone software. 


They encourage other churches to, "Take a step – most of the time not fully seeing the next step, pray, watch God work, be blessed! That’s the cycle of getting involved in orphan care and it truly does give joy and purpose to life that is hard to describe."


First Baptist McKinney in McKinney, TX is another fund we are blessed to serve.  Like Hands of Hope, they have an active role in funding adoptions in their local church through providing grants and loans.  Along with their local service, they are also globally minded with a heart for Lifesong Zambia as they support missionaries Shane and Mitzi McBride

They share, "To step foot on the campus of Lifesong in Zambia is confirmation that God is at work there. The staff is amazing. The kids are beautiful and smart and James 1:27 is tangible at Lifesong School for Orphans in Zambia! It is our privilege to be able to partner with Lifesong and join God in the work He is doing."

We praise God for the faithful churches we are blessed to partner with and invite you and your church to join the movement of active and intentional movement for the fatherless.

To learn more about Lifesong Church Funds, please visit our website or contact Rich Metcalfe at


Conferences you don't want to miss!

Calling all church pastors, adoption & orphan advocates and adoptive (or considering adoption) families!! We're excited to highlight some incredible upcoming conferences with a focus on the fatherless...

July 26, 2012

Afflicted Conference (Eureka, IL)

"Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and destitute." Psalm 82:3

Afflicted Conference will share the needs of not only the fatherless, but also reflect on the human slavery that is tragically increasing in our world and what WE, as the body of Christ, can do to help make a difference! Visit the Afflicted Conference Facebook page for more details!


September 14-15, 2012

Empowered to Connect (Nashville, TN)

Empowered To Connect, together with Show Hope, hosts the Empowered To Connect Conference — a two-day conference designed to help adoptive and foster parents, ministry leaders and professionals better understand how to connect with “children from hard places” in order to help them heal and become all that God desires for them to be. Click here to register.

September 14-15, 2012

Together for Adoption Conferce (Atlanta, GA)

Romanticizing orphan care and adoption is so very easy and tempting to do. But there is no such thing as orphan care and adoption without suffering. The primary objective of this conference is to take Christians deeper into God’s story of adoption to give hope and practical tools to walk with deep joy through “the sufferings of this present time” (Romans 8:18-23) for God’s glory and the good of orphans around the world.  To register or learn more, visit their website.


Happy Father's Day...


Continuing the Work -- Lifesong India 

We invite you to listen in with Bob and Siromani Stoll, Lifesong India, as they share their hearts on "Continuing the Work" in India...

Bob and Siromani praise their "kids" in India...
It is always a rewarding experience to interact with children who are obedient, respectful of authority and wonderfully outgoing. They are studious and have a strong, active faith in prayer.
Lifesong for Orphans is blessed to serve these children and plan to 'continue the work' that has been started so faithfully in India thanks to our many supporters.  We are praying that it will continue to bring glory and honor to our Father God!

To hear more from Bob and Siromani Stoll and their testimony of faithfulness in Indiaclick here

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10