A Person with a Different Mentality - Lifesong Honduras

Please enjoy listening in as Francis, another life changed, shares his heart at Lifesong Honduras,
Please enjoy listening in as Francis, another life changed, shares his heart at Lifesong Honduras,
Another Both Hands project....
Dustin and Katie have answered God's call and stepped out in faith to adopt a little boy from South Korea. The Leonard Family and a team of volunteers worked on a widow's home to help raise funds to cover the high cost of adoption!
Since Mrs. Banegas' husband passed away, it's become more difficult for her to keep up with the necessary improvements and repairs to her home. So on April 28th, the Leonards and the team of volunteers worked on her home for the day.
Each volunteer raised sponsorship for their day of work. Since most of the supplies for the repairs on the widow's home are being donated, 100% of the money raised will help bring home this little boy to his forever family!
Check out their video that won "The Best Christian Media" Award on Vimeo!
Click here to read a local new's article on this project!
Click here to see Dustin and Katie's fundraising page.
"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." — James 1:27
Zap Transition Home - - Immediate Need
We are reaching out to you, our Ukraine supporters, to invite you to help give futures to the current and upcoming young men and women who will graduate from the State orphanages in Ukraine.
...A young man like Igor.
Igor was once an orphan impacted by the gospel through Lifesong Ukraine. Because of that influence, after graduation, he chose to live in one of our transition homes. He was baptized and became a Lifesong volunteer. His dedication in weight training earned him the title as Kharkov's State Heavy Weight Lifting Champion. This spring he was married to a godly woman and we are thankful for his hopeful future.
(Igor & Anna with Lifesong Ukraine Director Denis, Tanya & family)
Will you join us in building hopeful futures for young men like Igor?
To learn more about this project and how you can partner with Lifesong Ukraine, click here.
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice." Proverbs 31:8-9
Listen in to this story sharing the beauty of the Body of Christ that can reach across any ocean...
Three of our Adoption/Orphan Care Ministry Partners-- In His Hands, Tapestry Ministry and Dark to Dawn -- understand that loving Christian adoptive families live throughout the world, not only within the US border.
In fact, in Ukraine, there are many Christian families who are seeking to rescue children by 'emptying the orphanage' through indigenous adoption. It costs only about $500 for a Ukrainian couple to adopt a child from their country. But often times, there are strict governmental housing regulations that stand in their way.
These ministies are partnering with Lifesong's "Adoption without Borders" program, which intentionally links like-minded families and churches in the USA with approved Christian family’s in the Ukraine who are seeking to adopt.
These three ministries stepped up and answered the call for Pevel and Tatyana in Ukraine, a couple who is seeking to adopt 2 more girls into their family. Together, they provided the remaining funds needed to complete the construction on their home to be approved by the State. PRAISE GOD!
The Challenge: The body of Christ is equipped to help bring children into these Christian families, regardless of their geographical location or church affiliation. Would your church or ministry be willing to come alongside other church to help help reach more children together, than any one church could on its own?
To learn how your church or ministry can get involved with Adoption Without Borders and help couples like Pevel and Tatyana, please click here.
Lifesong for Orphans is now on Pinterest! Click here to follow us!
Follow our boards to see pictures from our orphan care initiatives, adoption quotes, orphan care/adoption resources, gifts with PURPOSE, and some creative DIY adoptive craft ideas! Here's a peek...
Let the pinning begin! Visit us at: http://pinterest.com/lifesongorphans