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Andy and Jill Lehman family

TFI: Foster Care Worker Appreciation

The Forgotten Initiative celebrated National Foster Care Worker Month in June and took it a step further to invite workers in our local community (Bloomington Normal, IL) to an appreciation picnic.  Over 70 workers joined the fun! Check out these pictures!


Thanks TFI for taking the time to honor and appreciate those who work in Foster Care!!

To learn more about The Forgotten Initiative and how YOU can bless your local foster care community, visit the TFI website.


Updates from Village of Hope & Gift Basket!

We are blessed to give you an update from Village of Hope/Lifesong Guatemala from missionary Christi Ucherek,

"It takes a village to raise a child!" - African Proverb

When God called us to start Village of Hope, we knew that HE would put together the pieces and bring those that He would have serve alongside us. We are completely blown away by all the people He has been sending our way... but, then again, we really shouldn't be blown away by how great our God is and how HE provides to bring His work to completion.

As we prayed and asked the Lord to provide for the first $20,000 needed for Village of Hope, God's people stepped forward to provide an incredible gift basket. From now until August 1st, you have a chance to win!

The gift basket includes: 

HOPE jewelry from Funky Fish Designs

Village of Hope t-shirt (your choice of color and size)


$100 TOMS gift card

$100 Amazon gift card


$100 iTunes gift card


How do you enter?

-share about this give-a-way on facebook, twitter, or blog: 1 entry for each time you share (you MUST contact us to let us know that you shared)

-each $25 donation: 2 entries

-each $100 donation: 10 entries 

Village of Hope is a ministry of Lifesong for Orphans in partnership with Project Hopeful. The vision for Village of Hope was born out the knowledge that God has a heart for the least of these. Scripture reveals a God who is passionate about the sick, the widow, the orphan, the alien, and the poor.The purpose of Village of Hope is to provide family, faith and a future to the least of these by providing holistic orphan care to special needs orphans, primarily focused on those living with HIV/AIDS in a family-style setting. 

To donate to Village of Hope, please click here.

Lifesong for Orphans 


Family Friday: Jonathan & Christy

 I love Fridays! I love sharing stories of hope and love and family.  I'd like to introduce to you Jonathan and Christy, who Lifesong served through fundraising support in their adoption of sweet little Jadon.  Listen in as Jonathan & Christy share their hearts...

After we had raised much, but not all the funds needed for a domestic adoption, Lifesong graciously partnered with us to help raise 100% of the funds needed. Not only were the Lifesong representatives we interacted helpful, they were especially encouraging to us in our adoption journey. Having Lifesong’s partnership enabled us to offer tax-deductible giving, and the remaining funds needed were contributed in short order. Lifesong helped us adopt in a timely manner, and bring baby Jadon home.

God's timing in using Lifesong in our adoption was amazing. The day after Lifesong informed us that the remaining funds needed for adoption had been contributed, we received a phone call from the adoption agency that a birth mother wanted to meet with us. Our partnership with Lifesong for Orphans enabled us to have all the funds needed the day before we got the phone call about the baby boy who is now our son. We will forever be grateful to Lifesong for helping us be ready to bring our son home!

-Jonathan & Christy

And becuase this little guy is too cute to post only one picture...


Jonathan, Christy & Jadon--We pray God's richest blessing on your family knowing that GOD--above all--is your protector and providor.  Thanks for letting us partner with you in the exciting journey of adoption!


Updates from Lifesong Zambia

We are blessed to give you an update from Lifesong Zambia from missionary Leslie Ringger,

"We are praising the Lord for the ability to get a cement mixer!  We've been able to complete so much more in our numerous building projects this month, namely two buildings on the farm, and a home addition that will give our new team member, accountant-extraordinaire, Sheila Schwab, a place to call home. We're so thankful to have her join our team!

As we begin our second year in strawberry farming we realize that there is still much we are learning in the process, but we thank God for His leading and trust Him to provide the increase of our labors.  It is an honor to work beside an amazing group of Zambian women who have a desire to serve God and a drive to lift their families out of poverty. They are an encouragement to us all.


And here is a picture of our Lifesong students' first day with their new uniforms! They are praising Jesus for something most American kids are thankful NOT to have. How ironic!"

 Please continue to pray for our staff and children at Lifesong Zambia!


Construction Continues - Lifesong Ethiopia

Please enjoy this update from Gary Ifft, Lifesong Ethiopia...

"Construction progress continues to go well.  Shown below in a picture is part of the 14 room (12 classroom) Primary School building in Ziway.  As you can see, the floor between the first and second floors has been poured and work is under way to lay the blocks for the walls of the second story.  We are still waiting for the floor to cure, thus the "forest" of eucalyptus poles which are holding up the forms are still in place.  Cutting and placing those thousands of poles is an engineering marvel, but it's the way such work is done here in Ethiopia.

Also shown below is the front of the new four classroom building in Adami Tulu.  Being a much smaller project it is further along.  The tile floors are being laid, the ceilings are being painted, and preparations are being made for finishing the windows and doors. 


With our projected increase of 150 students this September (from 600 to 750) we will need these buildings finished and ready for use by then."

Child Sponsorship Update:

We are thankful to have 16 more children sponsored since our last update! If you are interested in supporting one of the remaining 54 students, please visit the Sponsorship Website.