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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in lifesong for orphan (19)


Last Minute Christmas Ideas!

Still have those last couple gifts to buy? Consider giving a gift that has a purpose.  Proceeds of the following items will go towards Lifesong's in-country orphan care & adoption financial assistance!

Lifesong T-shirts - $20 (see store for more color options)


Taste of Heaven Cookbook - $22


Leslie Ringger's Journey On CD - $15


Gobena Coffee - $12.95/bag (see store for varieties)


Gobena T-shirts - $5.00

Gobena Ceramic Mug - $7.00

Gobena Go-Pack - $39.00

(1 travel mug, 1 lb/16 oz. of coffee, & 1 T-shirt)


Also, don't forget to check out more gift opportunities from Lifesong's Gift of Purpose catalog!

Finish up your Christmas shopping TODAY!



Church Fund Update - A Year in Review

What do the great states of Washington, California, Texas, Florida, New Hampshire, Minnesota and Maine have in common?  Many things I'm sure, but one thing is they all have several churches who partner with Lifesong for Orphans to care for orphans and adoptive families. In fact, those 7 States are joined by church fund partners in 25 other states (combined 32 states) in which 166 churches partner with Lifesong for Orphans.  Each Orphan Care / Adoption Ministry is led by wonderful, servant-hearted Christ-followers who are working hard and sacrificially to be the hands and feet of God’s heart for the orphan. 

2011 has been a ‘record’ year for Lifesong in many ways and we praise the Lord for the opportunity He has given us to partner with special people in making an eternal difference in the lives of so many voiceless children.  We have truly seen Proverbs 68:5-6 in action this year!

'Father to the fatherless, defender of widows – this is God, whose dwelling is holy.  God places the lonely in families.'

-Rich Metcalfe, Lifesong for Orphans, Program Director 

See it in the stats...

  • Growing number of Church Fund partners -- 166 church funds in 32 states
  • 33 'Outside the Wall' adoptions this year
  • Over $1.2 million committed grants & loans for adoptive families from Lifesong & Church Fund Partners
  • November--record month--$126,000 of the $170,000 committed to adoptive families for grants & loans came from Lifesong Church Funds Partners

 What's all this talk about Lifesong Church Funds? Check out this video to learn more!



Meet Atrasagn...

 ***Hope Ethiopia:100 Update -- 44 out of 100 teammates, $6932.45! Let's get over half way today!

***Match Update -- $68,294.66 of the $130,000 available match! 

Atrasagn: age 14, grade 6, Lifesong Ethiopia


Living Situation: Dad died 7 years ago, mom died 2 years ago, lives with aunt. He feels really happy with his aunt

Favorite subject: Social Science

Thoughts on school: very happy in school, loves to eat the vegetable soup he eats at school

Future plans: wants to be a research scientist, studying energy and electricity.

Favorite scripture: 'Fear of the Lord leads to life, bringing security and protection from harm.' Proverbs 19:23

Favorite things to do outside of school: help my aunt 



We are inviting you to join the Hope Ethiopia:100 Team to help bring JESUS to the lives of the children in Ethiopia--children like Atrasagn. We are looking for 100 people to give a one-time $100 donation that will be MATCHED!

To read more about Hope Ethiopia:100, the match, and the prize drawing (value $250), click here.



Sewing for a Cause

Do you remember this post? Well, the Adami Tulu team continues to amaze us with their creative fundraising ideas!

This incredible team is COMMITTED to raising funds to expand the the Adami Tulu preschool and serving more orphaned and vulnerable children in need!

From Super Bowl parties... to Aspen overnight giveaways... their ideas are endless!

Now, Cassie Williams, founder of Twinkle Stitch is donating 100% of her Etsy shop proceeds to fund the school! Just in time for Christmas shopping! Check out her site here!

To read more about the Adami Tulu project, check out the team facebook page here.

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