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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in lifesong for orphan (19)


A Completely New Path - Lifesong Honduras


We are blessed to share this update & story from Guy Henry,  Lifesong Honduras,

"600 students finish the school year with their lives marked & changed forever! 80 graduates are launched into the future!


The following story is from the life of a graduate who overcame the 'trials' of her home life and the odds that were stacked against her.  Not only has her life been marked and changed, she has been completely redirected, all to the Glory of God...

Darlene signing her diploma
Those leaders that were present can still remember Darlene's interview. She entered and left the room with the same shy stance. Her hair was long and curly, framing her big brown, downcast eyes. Perhaps she was shy and nervous, but perhaps she also was feeling a sense of shame. Her mother was pregnant with her fourth child and admitted that her children each had different fathers. Based on this young ladies natural beauty and the little bit of innocence that she still had, her need to be accepted for the next year was apparent, an overwhelming need to protect her was felt by all.

Darlene has excelled in her studies and always has had high percentiles. She graduated with honors and was nominated "Female Student of the Year". Her attitude has always been respectful and cooperative, teachable and receptive to the guidance of both the leadership staff and her teachers. She is a strong young woman and a beautiful example of how God can lift a head that was once cast down. She is determined to not repeat the pattern, and instead a completely new path."

Family Friday: Eric & Samantha

I couldn't help but share this sweet & creative thank you note we received from Eric & Samantha. We feel blessed to partner with them in their adoption funding.  Please join them in prayer as they continue on their journey to adopt from Lesotha.

He said to the Israelites, “In the future when your descendants ask their parents, ‘What do these stones mean?’ tell them, ‘Israel crossed the Jordan on dry ground...He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the LORD is powerful and so that you might always fear the LORD your God.”   Joshua 4:21, 24

I’ve always been interested by Standing Stones, monuments made out of precariously balanced, random rocks. In Scripture, a pile of standing stones is often created to commemorate something great that God has done, like when Israel passed through the Jordan River or when Jacob wrestled with God.  Through the process of our adoption, God is doing something spectacular, worth remembering for years to come. In honor of you and others who have given so generously to help bring two orphans into our family, we have created our own remembrance. This is the beginning of a new family quilt. Each leaf is labeled with the name of each person who has walked with us, whether in a big way or small. Your name is on this quilt and we thank God for your love and generosity. We have been blessed to add you onto our quilt, our pile of standing stones.  

-Eric & Samantha


Child Sponsorship in Ethiopia!!


We are excited to share with you the Lifesong Ethiopia Child Sponsorship program that has just launched last week!

For just $19/month, you can sponsor one of the kids at the Adami Tulu School and ensure that they get the incredible education, spiritual mentoring and food that they need to break the cycle of poverty. Many of these kids are already orphans; all are vulnerable children sitting on the razor’s edge of extreme poverty that can rip families apart and create orphans for life.

There are 189 children at the Adami Tulu School and thankfully as of today, 45 have already been sponsored!

We invite you to connect your heart with one of remaining 144 students...

Students like...

Abonesh - Age 5

Habtamu - Age 4

Abanezer - Age 4

Head over to the Adami Tulu website to see the 144 students who still need sponsorhip and how YOU can join this exciting opportunity!


A Day in the Life -- Lifesong Liberia

Meet Andrew.  Andrew was 9 years old when he came into the loving care of Lifesong Liberia 'Home of Champions' School & Orphanage.  Andrew was rescued from the Belle Forest, a 'refuge' where many Liberians ran to during the 14-year civil war that ended 9 years ago.  A war that took the lives of over 500,000 Liberians.  Inhabitants of the Belle Forest still believe that the war is going on and because of their fear have never left it's barren bush.  This has left many hungry, uneducated, fatherless children...children like Andrew who come to the home in a terrible condition... starving, lost and alone.

But we know that beauty can come from ashes. Joy from the place of mourning. Praise instead of despair. Home instead of a wasteland. Family replacing loneliness. Isn't this how our God works? Andrew is just one more example of how our God delights in transforming a life through His great love for us and for the splendor of His own glory!

"...he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning,  festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the LORD has planted for his own glory..." Isaiah 61:3

Learn more about how YOU can sponsor a child like Andrew today! Click here.  


Adopt an Orphanage - Sveta's Story

Inviting you to create more 'Sveta stories' through your church! We don't want you to miss out on this.... 

It is our honor & joy to partner with churches in adoption funding as their families provide homes, families, a sense of belonging, and the love of Christ Jesus to orphans all around the world.  For each precious child that is adopted into a loving family, there are so many children that are not adopted. Children around the world that are longing for family or just the love from someone that knows their name and their story.

We would like to give churches the opportunity to help care for orphans who may never be adopted.  You can help them through our Orphan Care programs.  In each orphanage, we are providing Christian mentors whose purpose is to build trusting, loving relationships with the children--the ultimate goal of guiding them toward fruitful Christian lives. While Lifesong is helping to "bring joy and purpose to orphans" - the job is too big for us to do alone....we need your help. We invite you to participate in what God is doing on behalf of the fatherless through the "Adopt-an-Orphanage" program.

Would you and your church family to prayerfully consider making a 2-3 year commitment to "adopt" one specific orphanage/facility? This "Adopt-an-Orphanage" commitment could include:

  • Yearly Mission Trips
  • Letter-writing sponsorship (we'll translate for you!)
  • Finanically support ministry

Want to see how it works? Check out video that creatively depicts our 'Adopt-an-Orphanage' program...

Thank you again for your faithful partnership to bring joy & purpose to orphans! May God continue to bless and grow your ministry for His glory.