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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in orphans (97)


US Churches impacting Ukrainian families!

Listen in to this story sharing the beauty of the Body of Christ that can reach across any ocean...

Three of our Adoption/Orphan Care Ministry Partners-- In His HandsTapestry Ministry and Dark to Dawn -- understand that loving Christian adoptive families live throughout the world, not only within the US border.  

In fact, in Ukraine, there are many Christian families who are seeking to rescue children by 'emptying the orphanage' through indigenous adoption. It costs only about $500 for a Ukrainian couple to adopt a child from their country.  But often times, there are strict governmental housing regulations that stand in their way.

These ministies are partnering with Lifesong's "Adoption without Borders" program, which intentionally links like-minded families and churches in the USA with approved Christian family’s in the Ukraine who are seeking to adopt.

These three ministries stepped up and answered the call for Pevel and Tatyana in Ukraine, a couple who is seeking to adopt 2 more girls into their family. Together, they provided the remaining funds needed to complete the construction on their home to be approved by the State. PRAISE GOD!

The Challenge: The body of Christ is equipped to help bring children into these Christian families, regardless of their geographical location or church affiliation. Would your church or ministry be willing to come alongside other church to help help reach more children together, than any one church could on its own?

To learn how your church or ministry can get involved with Adoption Without Borders and help couples like Pevel and Tatyana, please click here.


Introducing....Lifesong Guatemala!!

We are excited to announce a new orphan care initiative in Guatemala called Village of Hope where Dan & Christi Ucherek and Todd & Amy Block will be serving.

Aldea de la Esperanza (Village of Hope) seeks to minister by providing love and wisdom, for brokenness to be made new. Our prayer is that the hurting would come in and find hope in faith, family, and a future. Village of Hope is caring for special needs orphans in San Lucas, Guatemala by teaching them about the love of Jesus Christ. Village of Hope is also partnered with Manna Worldwide to provide a feeding care center to the children in the San Lucas Community. In addition, we are committed to community outreach.

The vision for Village of Hope was born out the knowledge that God has a heart for the least of these. Scripture reveals a God who is passionate about the sick, the widow, the orphan, the alien, and the poor.

"You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate" (Luke 6:36)

To learn more about Village of Hope/Lifesong Guatemala, visit our website.


Gardens, Garments and Graduation -- Lifesong Liberia

Bishop Emmanuel Jones shares about recent happenings in Lifesong Liberia:

During the dry season, much of the land was cleared and crops plantedat the Home of Champions, Marshall.  The older children worked so hard, and we enjoyed our first harvest of sweetcorn, okra, watermelon and sweet potato greens.  We learned alot, and hope to improve our gardening skills next year.  

Our two oldest girls (Nellay pictured below) at Rehab are learning how to sew!  They are being taught by our friend, Mr. Dapin, who is a tailor.  Presently they are mending tears and repairing the children's clothes.  Soon, we hope they will be able to cut and sew an entire dress! 


We are pleased to announce that 23 of our children will be graduating from kindergarten at the end of the school term in June!  This is a big milestone for them.  They will receive special clothing, and a certificate at the graduation celebration.  We are so thankful for the gift of education.

Thank you all for your continual prayers and support for the children at the Master's Homes of Champions in Liberia.


New Strawberry Business - Lifesong Ukraine

Lifesong Ukraine has recently started up a new strawberry project that is taking place in the developing nursery.  These strawberry plants will be used to start a 'nursery business' for growers in Eastern Europe. Listen in as Denis Poshelok shares an update from from Lifesong Ukraine,

"Greetings! We appreciate your prayerful support as we enter a busy season this year with our strawberry nursery trial. We received the plants, the weather was good and the crew is excellent. The crew is a combination of our Kharkov graduates and Izume church members. Also, we have three older ladies coming from the local church to help plant!"

Andrei unloading strawberries from Plant Sciences, Inc.

Let the planting begin!

Please join us in prayer for this new endeavor for Lifesong Ukraine! Pray that God can use this for His glory!




Empowered to Connect Conference Dates

Listen in with Michael & Amy Monroe talk about "Being on the Same Page" in order to love your children of the many topics covered through Empowered to Connect!

Empowered To Connect, together with Show Hope, hosts the Empowered To Connect Conference — a two-day conference designed to help adoptive and foster parents, ministry leaders and professionals better understand how to connect with “children from hard places” in order to help them heal and become all that God desires for them to be.

The next Empowered To Connect Conference will be on April 20-21, in Denver, Colorado at Mission Hills Church. Registration for the Denver conference is now open! If you cannot join in April for the Denver conference, then be sure to mark your calendar for the September conference in Nashville, Tennessee on September 14-15, 2012.  Visit for more information and to register online.