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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in orphans (97)


Impact Zambia 100 -- Matching Gift Opportunity!

 Join us to IMPACT lives in Zambia...   

"Hi.  My name is Richard.  I am in grade 7.  I stay with my sister, Josephine.  I have three brothers and two sisters.  My other sister attends Lifesong and is in grade 5.  Her name is Emelia.  My mother stays in a village far away.  My father died in 2006.  Thank you for supporting me and may God bless you and add more days to your life.  My favorite subject is art."
Richard is just ONE of the 253 students that we are blessed to serve at Lifesong Zambia.  He is also one of the students that will be moving on to grade 8 this fall.  
Without the construction of new classrooms, Richard may join the 95% of Zambian children that are not able to attend High School. 
Will you join us in impacting the lives of children like Richard?
To add to the excitement--thanks to a generous donor, all donations will be matched up to $225,000!!
To join the Impact Zambia 100 team, email!

You Can See it in Their Faces - Lifesong Liberia

We invite you to listen in as Emmanuel Jones, director of Lifesong Liberia, shares of the changes that God has brought about for the kids of Liberia,

Please continue to join us in prayer for our kids in Liberia.  That they may experience the love of Jesus and changes lives for His glory!


New Life, New Name -- Lifesong India

Listen in as Lifesong India Vision Team member Adam Laubach & Founder Bob Stoll share from their time in India,

Thank you so much for your continued support and prayer for our kids in India. Know that you ARE making a difference in the lives of children like Mary!

Summit VIII - Speakers


Summit VII is coming up May 3-4 in Lake Forest, CA (Saddleback Church)...will you be there?

Check out some of the speakers that will be there:

Rick Warren

Francis Chan

Kay Warren

Crawford Loritts

Jedd Medefind

...and so many more! To see the whole list of speakers, schedules, and how YOU can get resgistered, visit Summit VII


Both Hands: Beautiful Things...

Excited to share with you another Both Hands Project! Check it out....

Want to know more? Visit the Both Hands Foundation website to see how YOU can live out James 1:27!