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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Summit VIII - Speakers


Summit VII is coming up May 3-4 in Lake Forest, CA (Saddleback Church)...will you be there?

Check out some of the speakers that will be there:

Rick Warren

Francis Chan

Kay Warren

Crawford Loritts

Jedd Medefind

...and so many more! To see the whole list of speakers, schedules, and how YOU can get resgistered, visit Summit VII


Both Hands: Beautiful Things...

Excited to share with you another Both Hands Project! Check it out....

Want to know more? Visit the Both Hands Foundation website to see how YOU can live out James 1:27!


Family Friday: Jason & Sherry

Listen in as Jason & Sherry share their testimony from their recent adoption of their son Josiah,


We took a big step of faith in beginning our adoption experience.  We had put off adopting for several years due to the financial cost.  Finally, we decided that (on our own) we were never going to have the funds to adopt.  Feeling called by God to adopt, we knew we were just going to have to trust in God alone to complete the adoption for us.  We could NOT do it on our own.  We started the process with a tax refund check of $5,000 and no other money in savings.  Two years and $30,000 later, we came home with Josiah.  God worked it out completely.  Every time we needed money, he provided.  Lifesong was one of those ways that God came through.  We received a matching grant from Lifesong and got the added blessing of watching our friends and family help us bring Josiah home. -Jason & Sherry

 Thanks Jason & Sherry for partnering with Lifesong...It was such an honor for us to play just a small part in the work that God has done in your lives and your family!


Far from Completion - Lifesong Ukraine

Listen in as Denis Poshelok shares an update from from Lifesong Ukraine,

"We always enjoy sharing updates on great achievements of our team and nice projects we have done together.  But with updates like that, the picture of Ukraine orphan care will not be would look like we have achieved all we wanted and ready to retire! Well, a lot of work is still ahead of us.
Even though we have done a lot, it seems that the work is still far far away from completion. One kid at the time, each who is priceless and very special to his Father.
We would like to share with you photos of the living conditions at the orphanages we work with...they surely tell a story. May these pictures encourage you to do even more for His glory through this ministry.  Try to imagine yourself or your kids being in such living conditions without hope and look in the eyes of those kids. Kids that are trapped and it's not their fault.  We need to help them out...
Thank you for all you do in support of our work. Glad to be in one team with all of you!"

Mission's Night

You couldn't take one step without seeing a child at Mission's Night, hosted by the Apostolic Christian Church in Bloomington, IL. It was a dynamic evening full of different ministries that this congregation has been supporting.  It was their desire to highlight these ministries and have them connect to their church body in a family friendly way presenting the importance of serving in the Kingdom and how they as families can get involved.

The Lifesong for Orphans "Experience"...

Handprint Wall - showing the 2300 children Lifesong has help bring into families through adoption financial assistance. 

Africa before Lifesong...

Africa after Lifesong...

The Forgotten Initiative

It was so great to connect with the youth and impact their minds and hearts of the importance of working with God for His Kingdom!