Give Hope. Give Family.
Keith & Kay Knapp, Lifesong Liberia, witnessed first-hand the significant impact of the Lifesong Liberia Child Sponsorship Program...
The bright eyes and wide smiles said it all.
Opening their envelopes with great excitement, many children at the Master's Home of Champions found not only letters, but all kinds of love from their sponsors in the US! What joy it was for us to hand deliver these caring messages to children who have had great difficulties in their young lives.
As relationships develop between the children and their sponsors, hearts are strongly connected across the miles. The children begin to understand that there are many people who love and care for them, who are willing to invest in their lives and encourage them. What a powerful message!
As they worked on their letters to return with us, the love overflowed. "Thank you, I love you, I pray for you". The little ones labored over colored drawings and short sentences, while the older ones expressed themselves in longer paragraphs. Even children who are not yet sponsored wrote letters!
The impact of these relationships is unmistakable on both sides of the Atlantic, and truly brings joy and purpose to all of us.
-Keith & Kay Knapp, Lifesong Liberia
Interested in connecting YOUR hearts with one of our children in Liberia? Please contact
But Jesus said, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children." Matthew 19:14
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body.
And be thankful.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:15-17
From all the staff at Lifesong, we pray you feel the JOY of Thanksgiving in a very real and authentic way this year as you worship our Savior God in thankfulness.
A day to stop. reflect. learn. serve. act. pray.
A day that was recognized across the globe by churches, small groups, families, and individuals sending out the call of responsibility that is on the shoulders of the Church of God to defend the fatherless and satisfy the needs of the oppressed.
We feel honored to partner with Houston's First Baptist & Legacy 685 Church Adoption Fund and share how they honored the orphan on Orphan Sunday...
The leadership had prayed two things for Orphan Sunday; that we would be able to raise awareness for the orphan and second, that we all would respond to God’s leading on how He is asking us to care for the orphan.
We had a video showing the orphan crisis and how our church was responding to that crisis. We had interviewed 6 couples that had either gone on a mission trip, adopted a child or foster-to-adopt, each sharing their testimony of the impact on their lives. After worship and a message, about 14 families shared their 'before and after' story of adoption, foster or orphan-care mission trip through cardboard testimonies. Following a final song, to close we had everyone go to a prayer fence that had been built using chicken wire and old wood. There were 200 pictures of either orphaned children that our church supports or adoptable children in Houston. People were led there to begin to pray for the 163 million orphans worldwide and then were encouraged to take a picture with them and to continue to pray for them.
It was a powerful time, very moving for many people and the response was real and genuine. Our prayer is that the seeds that were planted will begin to be cultivated and people will continue to seek God in caring for orphans and what that looks like in their life and family.
-Steve Klein, Houston's First Baptist Church & Legacy 685 Adoption Fund
Cardboard testimonies...
Orphan prayer wall...
Thanks for sharing Steve--what a special day! For more Orphan Sunday recap stories, see the Christian Alliance for Orphans blog!
I am SO excited to tell you about this SPECIAL opportunity to give to a teacher in your life. Aren't they hard to buy for? BE SURE TO KEEP READING... YOUR GIFT WILL BE DOUBLED!!!!
Are you searching for the perfect gift for the teachers in your life? How about skipping the routine coffee mug or picture frame and make a donation to the Lifesong Schools in Ethiopia instead? Teachers are guaranteed to love that you made such a thoughtful donation in their honor.
If you donate at least $10 in honor of your teacher, the Adami Tulu Team send you the card pictured to the left and below for you to give to your teacher. Isn't is gorgeous? I would LOVE to receive this as a gift during this season of GIVING!
"Several former teachers have told me that they would have loved to receive a gift like this. And, as a former teacher myself, I agree with them. Teachers get bombarded with coffee mugs, candy, and teacher do-dads at Christmastime. This year, give your teacher something truly meaningful instead; spread his or her love for education around the world." - Mary Beth Picker, Orphan Advocate
OK, now for the AMAZING part! As of last night, we have a generous donor that has stepped up to MATCH all donations to the Ziway and Adami Tulu Schools between now and December 31st... up to $130,000!!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited? What a GENEROUS way to make the most of your giving and bless the children and families in these communities! Let me tell you first hand, these schools NEED to be expanded... these children NEED an education... they NEED to be fed each day... they NEED to hear about Jesus! Lets give HOPE to these precious children in Ethiopia!
Would you join us in prayer as we seek to make the need known?
***If you are giving a gift for a teacher and would like one of the cards mentioned above, As you donate, leave a note in the “Special Instructions” box telling us how many cards you would like.
I’m so incredibly thankful to these generous folks for their commitment to these kids in Ethiopia. For their belief in our shared vision of ending the global orphan crisis by keeping families together, breaking the cycle of poverty, and building self-sufficiency.
So I don’t know about you, but I’m incredibly enthused, excited and energized about this movement to change the world. I hope you’ll join us in acting today to maximize the impact of this generosity." - Aaron Klein, Orphan Advocate