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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in adoption assistance (47)


Family Friday...

We are excited to give you a glimpse into the Stum family's Both Hands project from last fall while they raised funds for their adoption AND served a widow...Check out their video!


Both Hands - Stums from Jake Stum on Vimeo.


 I get all weepy seeing this video again. I have to say, though, that while we are thankful for every dollar the project raised for our adoption, the very best thing about it was our widow accepting Christ. In the midst of reorganizing a room she had not touched since her husband passed, a volunteer simply asked her.  She said yes. Isn't that amazing!?!"

-Merica Stum


 Yes! That is amazing! Thank you so much Jake & Merica for allowing Lifesong/Both Hands be apart of your adoption story and ultimately the story of HIS glory! To read more about their project check out there and here.

To hear and see other stories like the Stum's, visit Both Hands & Lifesong for Orphans.


A Confident Expectation

Matt and Abby recently became 2nd-time adoptive parents when they domestically adopted little Olivia Renee Hope. 

We are continually amazed at how the Lord can profide for adoptions. Because of Lifesong, we now are fully confident that we can continue adopting as many children as the Lord has for us and He will continue to provide. - Matt & Abby

Matt and Abby, we feel so honored to be one of the many stepping stones on your adoption journey and pray that you will continually be reminded of God's faithfulness to those who wait and hope in His promises.


Adoption of Faith...

Aaron & Gwen, one of our adoptive couples, recently brought home little Tariku from Ethiopia.  Listen in with us, as they share part of their story...

"We started the adoption process because our hearts broke for the orphan child.  There are so many children with no hope and no love...We had the choice to step out in faith or just ignore God.  We chose to follow.  This decision has changed our lives, and our faith has grown, our relationship with God is stronger, and our marriage is better.  God does reveal Himself, we just need to be still and be willing to listen and to follow Him, no matter the cost."

Thanks Aaron, Gwen & family for partnering with us in your adoption journey.  We pray that God will continue to bless your lives with joy and prace because of your active obedience to His call!


Lifesong Interview on Catalyst

"Put your faith in action...answer God's call to care for the fatherless"

Check out Andy Lehman’s interview with Brad Lomenick from the Catalyst team as he shares how Lifesong can partner with you, your church, your family to make a difference in the life of an orphan.


Catalyst Interview


To listen to the entire podcast, click here and go to episode 94 with Jimmy Wales.



Pure religion in a picture...

Josh and Jenn recently brought home their two darling children from Ethiopia.  Lifesong was blessed to be able to partner with them along with the Louisville Orphan Care Initiative in providing them with a matching grant.

Take a glance with us into their lives as they live out James 1:27 in a very real and active way...

The Lord has given us the privilege of developing a relationship over the last few years with a 93 year old widow at our church named Geneva. I visit Geneva every other week at her home, and we pray at the end of our time together. I've often been struck by the beauty of her prayers for our children, and thought at those times about how God's Word tells us that He cares for the widows and the orphans. It's especially sweet for me to be part of seeing a widow care for orphans too!


Thanks Josh & Jenn for being a pure picture of the gospel to the world...we pray that those that see your life will see the light of Jesus and be drawn in by His love.