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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in giving (24)


Merry Christmas from Lifesong


"You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal's death on a cross.”       Philippians 2:5-8


To give different this year. To give the love of Jesus. Visit our Lifesong for Orphans Gifts of Purpose Catalog.


Give Education



"We met a mother in desperate poverty with a 6-year old son name Meyahel who needed to be at Adami Tulu School. And Lifesong made it possible. When we ask ourselves how much changing the world is enough, we know the answer: just a little bit more."

-Aaron Klein, Ethiopia Orphan Advocate



To give education. To give the love of Jesus. Visit our Lifesong for Orphans Gifts of Purpose Catalog.


Meet Atrasagn...

 ***Hope Ethiopia:100 Update -- 44 out of 100 teammates, $6932.45! Let's get over half way today!

***Match Update -- $68,294.66 of the $130,000 available match! 

Atrasagn: age 14, grade 6, Lifesong Ethiopia


Living Situation: Dad died 7 years ago, mom died 2 years ago, lives with aunt. He feels really happy with his aunt

Favorite subject: Social Science

Thoughts on school: very happy in school, loves to eat the vegetable soup he eats at school

Future plans: wants to be a research scientist, studying energy and electricity.

Favorite scripture: 'Fear of the Lord leads to life, bringing security and protection from harm.' Proverbs 19:23

Favorite things to do outside of school: help my aunt 



We are inviting you to join the Hope Ethiopia:100 Team to help bring JESUS to the lives of the children in Ethiopia--children like Atrasagn. We are looking for 100 people to give a one-time $100 donation that will be MATCHED!

To read more about Hope Ethiopia:100, the match, and the prize drawing (value $250), click here.



The PERFECT Gift for Teachers!! DOUBLED!!

I am SO excited to tell you about this SPECIAL opportunity to give to a teacher in your life. Aren't they hard to buy for? BE SURE TO KEEP READING... YOUR GIFT WILL BE DOUBLED!!!!

Are you searching for the perfect gift for the teachers in your life?  How about skipping the routine coffee mug or picture frame and make a donation to the Lifesong Schools in Ethiopia instead?  Teachers are guaranteed to love that you made such a thoughtful donation in their honor.

If you donate at least $10 in honor of your teacher, the Adami Tulu Team send you the card pictured to the left and below for you to give to your teacher. Isn't is gorgeous? I would LOVE to receive this as a gift during this season of GIVING!


"Several former teachers have told me that they would have loved to receive a gift like this. And, as a former teacher myself, I agree with them. Teachers get bombarded with coffee mugs, candy, and teacher do-dads at Christmastime. This year, give your teacher something truly meaningful instead; spread his or her love for education around the world." - Mary Beth Picker, Orphan Advocate

OK, now for the AMAZING part! As of last night, we have a generous donor that has stepped up to MATCH all donations to the Ziway and Adami Tulu Schools between now and December 31st... up to $130,000!!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited? What a GENEROUS way to make the most of your giving and bless the children and families in these communities! Let me tell you first hand, these schools NEED to be expanded... these children NEED an education... they NEED to be fed each day... they NEED to hear about Jesus! Lets give HOPE to these precious children in Ethiopia! 

Would you join us in prayer as we seek to make the need known? 


***If you are giving a gift for a teacher and would like one of the cards mentioned above, As you donate, leave a note in the “Special Instructions” box telling us how many cards you would like.

I’m so incredibly thankful to these generous folks for their commitment to these kids in Ethiopia. For their belief in our shared vision of ending the global orphan crisis by keeping families together, breaking the cycle of poverty, and building self-sufficiency.

So I don’t know about you, but I’m incredibly enthused, excited and energized about this movement to change the world. I hope you’ll join us in acting today to maximize the impact of this generosity." - Aaron Klein, Orphan Advocate


Make a difference in ONE life! 

2011 Gifts of Purpose from Lifesong for Orphans on Vimeo.


It's that time of year again. Holiday music rings through your speaker systems. Decorations light up your street corners. Families gather together.It's the season of love, joy and family.  

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ during this season of giving, we often forget to give to those who NEED it most! 

This year give differently. Give FAMILYto the 147 million orphans worldwide who dream of belonging. Give HOPE to children living on the streets whose only Christmas wish is survival.

What if, this year, your family gave a gift to those who need it most? A gift that won't fit under the tree? 

Would you consider making a difference in ONE LIFE...

  •  Help a child break free from gripping poverty.
  •  Give the love of Jesus through Christian mentors.
  •  Give a future to an orphan's caregiver.

This year join Lifesong for Orphans in giving a gift with purpose. A gift that will speak Jesus to a child.  


Give Purpose. Bring Joy.